The First Purpose-Built
Unified Analytics Framework for
Manufacturing and Industry

Model, transform, and distribute your manufacturing data
across the entire enterprise, at scale.

Data and engineering governance is a struggle for manufacturers.

We help you solve this problem by centralizing the management of your information and execution of data transformation and distribution following a Unified Analytics Framework architecture.

New to the Unified Analytics Framework? Learn more here.

"This revolutionized our data and engineering governance."

We Have a Proven Strategy for Scalable Analytics

These three steps are necessities for turning manufacturing data into shared information. Each is included with every Flow license and is the secret to building analytics architectures that actually scale.

Step One: Create an Information Model

Flow is ideal for building an information model of metrics to improve production efficiency, increase quality, drive maintenance decisions, measure utility or material consumption, understand downtime, and monitor adherence to production plans. Templatized Flow models are centrally managed, honoring enterprise-established business rules and providing governance, while remaining flexible. Operations deploy template instances and add their own site-specific context. Since Flow information models are not hard coded to specific data sources, each deployed instance is adaptable to the site’s environment, regardless of the system architecture.

Step Two: Deploy Intelligent Execution Engines

Data Engine
Flow’s data engine excels at KPI calculations. It connects operational databases and servers to join data points from different systems, cleanse data, and slice it into context-rich KPIs. The engine handles the rerunning of calculations, versioning results, and allows for KPI interrogation, letting users drill down to examine raw data within the original source. Trust is essential, and with Flow, you can be confident that the information driving your operations is solid.

Message Engine
The message engine seamlessly integrates data into the organization's existing notification and communication tools, such as email, SMS, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. By delivering real-time notifications and updates through these familiar platforms, it ensures that stakeholders receive critical information in a timely and efficient manner, enhancing communication and responsiveness across the organization.

Integration Engine
The integration engine automates data streaming to various databases, data lakes, and BI tools, either on a triggered or scheduled basis. It matches the schema of target systems, facilitating seamless data integration, ensuring that all enterprise systems are synchronized with the latest information, and providing a unified, accurate data flow across the organization.

Step Three: Provide Universal Information Access

With new calculations and KPIs created, Flow becomes your hub to share contextually rich information with other applications and people at your plants and within the entire enterprise. A corporate Flow instance connects your site deployments, and all underlying data sources, to your data teams and advanced applications. Flow unifies a myriad of operational database formats that can be queried without requiring knowledge of their structure and return results in a single standard schema. As more and more subject matter experts use Flow, their expertise further enriches the information before additional analysis or data warehousing is completed.

Learn Exactly How Flow Works

Flow Helps You Scale Your Information Management


Consolidated modeling to abstract and unify multiple underlying namespaces


Connection into multiple data sources, including OT, IoT, IT, and manually entered


Calculation services to clean, transform, contextualize, and combine time-series and transactional data


Decision support via browser- based visualization, reporting, dashboarding, and notification


Data collection and bridging via industry standard -protocols, including MQTT and REST
For scalability, Flow provides a modeling and configuration environment with an open architecture and templating. Leverage the work you have done in your existing systems while using Flow's self-service no code/low code approach.
"Flow has become the standard tool within ABInBev Africa, with all our breweries using Flow for real time information and reporting."
Rowan Ray, Tech Supply Specialist, ABInBev

Is Flow a Unified Namespace (UNS) or a Unified Analytics Framework (UAF)?

Flow believes in a Unified Analytics Framework, but you might have read about a Manufacturing Data Hub as well. What is it? It's an architecture that is designed to take your Unified Namespace (UNS) and expand the collection and sharing of real time data to include calculated KPIs and access to historic databases.

Imagine what you could do if you had a scalable platform built specifically to transform OT and IoT data streams into analytics-ready information. A way to connect all of your data producers and consumers, already plugged into your UNS, to all of the raw historical data living in other databases. With Flow in your architecture, this is possible today.

What is the UAF?

Industrial data management is hard. Which ways have you tried?

Let's move everything to the cloud, to our data lake

Ever heard this one? Is the data in the lake structured and modeled? Is it accessible to all your people? Are your analysts spending half their time searching for and massaging the data? What about bandwidth costs? Is the lake actually being used, or has it turned into an unusable swamp?

Let's keep using our spreadsheet system

How about this one? How often is the spreadsheet incomplete in your morning meeting? How often do the spreadsheet files become corrupted? How do you know a key value being reported hasn't been changed without you knowing? In the end, how many versions of the "truth" do you have?

We'll get our historian vendor to build the extra functionality we need

This one happens a lot! You get your historian vendor to build a new chart type, one you've always wanted, great! Now you want to use this shiny new chart to show some data from a different database. Can you get that data into your historian? Does it make sense to duplicate your transactional data into a time-series format?

Let's custom build it; it won't take long

This is a common one. But, do you know how long it will take? Six months, a year, maybe two? Will you need a dedicated development team? Will they keep up with new requests? What if they resign?