Ready to try Flow?

Start your 90-day trial with our free and fully functional Proof of Concept license.

The Flow Proof of Concept demo license includes 500 Measures and 10 Events so you can identify whether Flow will work for you.


Please fill out this form to request your download

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After receiving your email, click on the download link and follow these steps to get up and running:

  • Run the downloaded Flow installer. It takes less than a minute to install Flow.
  • Make sure you have a running instance of Microsoft SQL Server that you can connect to. If not, use the free SQL Express Edition.
  • Configure the Flow Bootstrap Service. This is an important step as it involves security. See this article for details.
  • Launch the Flow Config Tool and create a new Flow System. See this article for details.


Follow our helpful user guide, and within minutes of installing Flow, you'll be:


How about starting with a pre-built template? Download one of these template Flow Systems, import it into a new Flow Model, deploy, and explore:

  • "Flow Juice Factory" - our famous Juice Factory demo, templates and all
  • "Flow Best Day" - track daily production against a previously recorded "best day", and project your end-of-day total
  • "Flow Tag Calculations" - use Flow tags to filter bad quality, remove data outside of a band, or combine data from multiple sources
  • More coming soon ...

Alternatively, start by using a pre-built virtual machine with Flow already installed and running a HyperV compatible Flow VM (20GB)

Try before you buy

The Flow trial has the same functionality as a fully licensed installation. So you can:

System requirements

For details of system sizing and their supported requirements, see the following:

Ready to Level Up?