Training and Learning Opportunities

On Demand

Flow provides online learning and assessment courses free of charge. These courses include video instruction and assessments. Please feel free to sign up and keep us informed as to your progress.

Flow Certification

System Integrators wishing to become Certified Partners are required to complete our Flow Certification test, providing our customers the confidence that their Flow Systems will be implemented using best-practices. We also welcome and highly encourage our end-user customers to take on this challenge.

The only prerequisite is that you have completed either the classroom based Flow Core training or the online Flow MasterClass successfully. The process involves configuring and submitting a full Flow System from start to finish. You will follow the Model, Connect, Transform, Visualize and Bridge process to build an Information Platform for your "customer".

On Demand

Flow provides online learning and assessment courses free of charge. These courses include video instruction and assessments. Please feel free to sign up and keep us informed as to your progress.

Quick Start Tutorials

A series of short YouTube videos designed to help you quickly get started with your Flow system. Follow along and learn the basic fundamentals at your own pace.

This is recommended in parallel to the Flow MasterClass.

Flow MasterClass

Covering all things technical when it comes to Flow this MasterClass provides an understanding of how to install and configure Flow, how to build an information model, and how to manage and transform data.

This is a prerequisite to taking the Flow Certification test.

Flow Core

This course provides an understanding of what the Flow Information Platform is. How it collects and manages data. How to configure it to transform your production data into useful information, and how to share that information.

Flow Advanced

This course is structured along “user story” lines. It will address concepts and configuration of data cleaning, SQL data source custom namespace definitions, advanced calculations, OEE and sophisticated dashboards. Hands-on labs reinforce the concepts and features.

Classroom Based

Flow provides classroom based training on request. In some cases, our Distributor Partners run a fixed training schedule. During COVID times, we became quite good at delivering "classroom based" training online. So, if necessary, we could always provide this as an option. Please contact us or one of our Distributor Partners to arrange.