
Expand your knowledge with our videos and webinar recordings.

Deep Dive Into the UAF

A deep overview of a Unified Analytics Framework with data connectivity experts from Software Toolbox. Analytics efforts have not scaled over the past decade due to the wrong architecture. Solve this problem with us.

July 25, 2024
Avoiding Integration Stovepipes

Industry must recognize that we have been addressing our analytics using an Industry 3.0 approach, deeply integrated with point-to-point connections between our data sources and our data consumers. This simply won't scale. Instead we must shift our approach to a new framework...

July 24, 2024
Why 30 Years of Analytics Won't Scale

Flow Software provides a data model with templatization that allows you to centrally manage and govern your data and business rules. Flow also serves as the calculation engine that executes all of these rules before serving all of the information and contextualized data out...

July 24, 2024
Key KPIs for Solar Operations

The team at Vertech, Founding Flow Partners, share the crucial KPIs that every solar operation should be focused on. Flow demonstrates how those calculations can be governed and the information distributed.

July 24, 2024
AB InBev's Success with Flow

Rowan Ray, a key player at AB InBev, unveils how they've harnessed Flow to manage and optimize information across dozens of breweries and malting processes. By transforming raw data into contextualized insights, AB InBev effectively tiers up vital operational information to...

July 24, 2024
Solar Fleet Asset Monitoring and Calcs

Asset performance is key for solar operations, and Flow is often used for templatizing and calculating efficiencies as well as ROI. In this tutorial, Lenny focuses on how to build invertor models as well as capture data manually.

July 24, 2024
Creating Dashboards in Flow

In this detailed tutorial, Leonard will walk you through each step, from initial setup to advanced customization options. Whether you're looking to build daily reports, analyze historical trends, or simply create a more engaging way to view your key metrics, this video will...

July 24, 2024
Information Management Simplified for Manufacturing

Learn the capabilities of Flow Software with our comprehensive walkthrough of the fundamental problems Flow helps you solve. This video offers a detailed explanation of how Flow Software simplifies information management across manufacturing and industrial sectors by...

July 24, 2024
REST API Provides Access to All Known Databases

Use Flow's REST API to query any underlying data source. Is this the Uber UNS for analytics? Without knowing the structure or naming convention of those SQL tables or data historians, Flow can provide you with millions of data values.‍

July 24, 2024
Projecting Future Values with Regression Analysis

From basic arithmetic to complex predictive modeling, Flow equips users with a comprehensive set of tools for data-driven decision-making. Whether you're analyzing business metrics, conducting scientific research, or diving into data analytics, Flow's functions...

July 24, 2024
Creating Ignition UDTs from Flow Templates with MQTT Sparkplug

You can quickly scale your data projects and share any information within Flow with Ignition via MQTT Sparkplug. By publishing your Flow Templates as MQTT Sparkplug Templates, Ignition can autodiscover and create UDTs!

July 24, 2024
Build a Better Data Warehouse with Contextualized OT Data Streams

The ugly truth is most data lakes and data warehouses are lacking the necessary operational context to truly add value. That context is in the heads of the entire fleet of engineers and never makes it to the enterprise. Let's fix that.

July 24, 2024
Templatizing Your Information Model

Whether you need to aggregate raw data from your data historians, contextualize data with events and transactions, or organize tags for ingestion into your data warehousing, Flow Software's template feature makes your analytics scale with ease.

July 24, 2024
Daily Production Report

Flow Software provides a drag and drop environment for aggregating manufacturing data sources and streamlining reporting. Jeff Knepper demonstrates the ease of the solution by building an entire production report from scratch in 30 minutes. Follow along ...

July 24, 2024
Sustainability and ESG KPIs

Our latest video showcases a seamless, no-code approach to calculating product-specific energy consumption, empowering you to meet your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals with ease.

July 24, 2024
Manual Data Entry and Adjustments

Discover the power of Flow software in our latest tutorial video, where we delve into the advanced feature of editing aggregated values directly on reports without altering the underlying raw data. Whether you're working with SQL databases or historians...

July 24, 2024
Downtime Tracking Project

Tracking and categorizing downtime for manufacturing and utilities is crucial. In this project, you can follow along as we build a highly scalable downtime tracking application in Flow Software. Of important note, notice how recategorizing the downtime cause...

July 24, 2024
Contextualized Data: The only way to gain real insights!

Data has little value without context. By adding context, you can uncover key insights and make more informed decisions. In this video, Lenny explains the Analytics Continuum in a practical way. And why adding context to your data is the way to GO!

September 15, 2022
Get Next Level Analytics with Canary and Flow

Learn how to pair your Canary Historian with Flow Software and develop even more reporting options.

June 13, 2022
Fixing the Problem with Boundry Values, a Better Way to Aggregate Data

In this video, you will learn about Flow's standard aggregation methods. The importance of a boundary value, and how to create custom aggregation methods.

June 13, 2022
How Flow connects to different Web API Sources

One of the key components of Flow is its ability to connect different silos of information in order to provide context. You will learn how to get data from web APIs into Flow, along with typical process-related data.

June 13, 2022
Flow KPI Projection

It's a saying that goes, "You don't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been". Watch this video to learn how Flow uses Historical data to calculate production run rates. Then, project the results to the end of the week, so your team ...

June 13, 2022
IDA: Information. Decision. Action

Watch this video to learn what IDA is. And how it can help your team. Explore how to collect, clean, and contextualize large quantities of data using an agile approach. And transforming it into actionable information your teams can trust.

June 13, 2022
The importance of Information. And what IDA means.

Lenny shares the concept of IDA. Why IDA is important to organizations, and how valuable information can be. Converting large amounts of data into useful information.

June 13, 2022
Traditional Reporting Tool vs Flow Information Platform

We often get this question, "is Flow just another reporting tool?" Lenny shares some key points on what makes a good reporting tool. And how Flow is different.

June 13, 2022
Where is my data?

It's important for every business to know where its data is. And how to get value from it. In most cases, data management processes are driven by personalities without resulting in measurable results. Lenny uses the analogy of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. And how it...

June 13, 2022
OEE is still the key KPI. Why?

The concept of OEE might seem a bit abstract to plant floor operators, but for managers it is a powerful tool. It's crucial to provide operators with goals that are real-time, easily understood, and highly motivating.

May 18, 2022
Industrial Analytics. Are we on the same page?

Confused by all these buzzwords; real-time data, data silos, data analytics, data management, unified namespace? The list goes on.Getting clarity in terminology when investing in your industrial data management needs is crucial. You need to know what you're getting...

May 3, 2022

Time to try Flow?